Hawke’s Bay Amateur Winemakers and Brewers Club is small group of enthusiastic Winemakers and Brewers (including several full Mash brewers). We meet Monthly on the Third Wednesday of each Month usually at 7:30pm in the “Deaf Clubrooms”, 22 Lee Road, Taradale, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
We usually have a Speaker or discussion topic each Club night followed by a Tasting and Judging of Monthly Classes of Wine, Beer and Liqueurs.
New Members are welcome and we offer you a FREE three Month trial before we seek the Subscription of just $30 for the entire Year!
Members often offer surplus equipment at very modest prices.
Go on give it a go, it’s really not hard…
For more information on Hawke’s Bay Amateur Winemakers and Brewers Club please visit our website www.wine-and-beer-hb.org.nz
OR Contact
Maurice; Phone : (06) 877 8491
David; Phone: (06) 835 4498
Brian; Phone: (06) 8760 312